‘Chaudhvin ka Chand ho’ is the most popular song to express the beauty of someone, especially a female. But the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 in the lunar orbit by India on August 23, 2023 has released the actuarial picture of the moon surface. After seeing these images most of us will think twice before using the word ‘moon face’ to define the beauty of our loved ones.
Moon face is a puffy face which carries swelling and discomfort caused by bad stomach health. In addition to indigestion, gastric problems, side-effects of certain medications, PCOS is a reason among females to have a moon-like white, dull and puffiness on the face. Moon face caused by PCOS is reversible but for this gynaecological treatment is essential. Regarding this, significant insights to create the article have been taken from experts ofPCOS Treatment in Mumbai like Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal.
What is Moon Face?
Moon face is a medical condition of swelling on the face. This makes the face look like a full moon. Puffiness makes the face heavier and discomforting. Most common cause of moon face are:
Gastrological Disorder
Weight Gain
What is PCOS?
PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome usually known as PCOS is a medical condition in which small sacs start developing into and outside the one or both ovaries. These sacs made of fluid contain immature eggs difficult to rapture and fertilised. As a result, infertility occurs. PCOS is one of the most common reasons for female infertility.
Why does PCOS Develop?
Every female body after reaching puberty undergoes various hormonal (androgen, progesterone and oestrogen) changes. These monthly changes are essential for the health of the reproductive system. But due to stress, poor diet, and various other factors, rational secretion of sex-hormones in the female body cause PCOS. In addition to hormonal imbalance, stress, alcohol and age are the factors developing PCOS/PCOD.
Role of PCOS in Moon Face
There may be an indirect connection between PCOS and moon face due to particular circumstances. For instance, some people with PCOS may receive a prescription for corticosteroids for a variety of diseases that are unrelated to PCOS, including allergies, inflammatory conditions, or autoimmune disorders. A PCOS patient may have moon face as a side effect of the drug if they take corticosteroids for a long time or at high doses.
Hormonal abnormalities and PCOS are both linked, and some PCOS patients may also have additional medical issues that call for corticosteroid therapy. The development of moon face in these circumstances may be influenced by the use of corticosteroids in conjunction with PCOS.
Moon Face Treatment Caused by PCOS
Even though moon face and PCOS are not directly interconnected but whenever the female is diagnosed with these both conditions, treatment of PCOS becomes essential. PCOS treatments include diagnostic and operative treatment of the reproductive system which are as follows:
Pelvic Examination
During this phase external genitalia, vagina, and cervix is performed. To do so, gynaecologists use a speculum to visualise the cervix and collect samples for Pap smear testing, which is done to screen for cervical cancer. In some cases, the presence of ovarian cysts might be felt during a pelvic examination. Additionally, the period cycle is also considered to find out the condition of PCOS.
Hormone Test
After the pelvic examination, a hormonal test may be processed. In this diagnostic treatment individuals blood samples are used to examine the exact condition of hormones. This test may include:
Levels of androgens
Blood Glucose
AMH for ovarian reserve
It is a common imaging technique used to diagnose and monitor various medical conditions, including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In order to visualize the ovaries and identify any abnormalities there are two main types of ultrasound used for PCOS diagnosis. These are:
Transabdominal Ultrasound: In this procedure, an ultrasound probe is positioned on the abdomen. It gives an overall picture of the pelvic structures and can make the ovaries easier to see.
Transvaginal Ultrasound: For this technique, a tiny ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina. This method provides clearer views of the ovaries and other pelvic organs. It works particularly well for identifying the ovaries in PCOS patients since they may be swollen and contain several little cysts.
During the ultrasound examination, the doctor or technician will assess the size and appearance of the ovaries, the number of follicles (small fluid-filled sacs that contain eggs) present, and the overall appearance of the pelvic organs. While the presence of cysts on the ovaries is a characteristic feature of PCOS, a diagnosis is typically based on a combination of clinical symptoms, hormone levels, and ultrasound findings.
Based on the above-mentioned detailed examination, PCOS treatment starts which includes:
Oral Medication
In this initial stage of PCOS treatment, oral medications are used to regulate the hormones. This may include hormone balancing tablets and syrups for 3 to 4 months.
Blockage Removal from the Tubes
PCOS may cause blockage of fallopian tubes. Fimbrioplasty may be recommended by the doctor to clear the passway of the egg from ovaries to endometrium. If one or both tubes are completely damaged then tube removal procedure Salpingectomy may also commence.
Operative Laparoscopy
PCOS may cause fibroid, uterine polyp, endometriosis and painful menstrual cycle. To treat all these factors, minimally invasive laparoscopic sololey or combined with hysteroscopy may be performed. In this telescopy based procedure a camera mounted tool is used to insert from the minimal (usually two) incisions to the reproductive body. Laparoscopy is beneficial to tube test, their clearance, removal of endometriosis blood and fibroid located on the outer layer of the uterus.
Hysteroscopy is an outpatient based non-invasive treatment. In this treatment, a thin telescope mounted suction tool is inserted to the uterus through the vaginal passway. The telescope traverses to the cervix, endometrium, fallopian tubes and ovaries and targets fibroid and polyp inside or inner layer of the uterine lining.
Moon face is puffiness of the face. However, there is no direct link between the moon face and the most common gynaecological problem named PCOS. But both issues have the same factors grounded to their roots i.e hormonal imbalance. Hence, if someone is diagnosed with a moon face caused by PCOS , the person can get it reversed by lifestyle change and taking adequate consultation from a gynaecologist. To find the best Gynaecologist in Andheri, Mumbai one may visit Harleys Cosmetics & Women Clinic to consult Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal.
Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal is a highly experienced obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Andheri. She offers a range of gynecological services to women and teenagers. She has expertise in fertility management, V-rejuvenation, treatment for menstrual disorders, cervical cancer screening, Pap smear testing, C-section, hymen surgery, menopause, tubal ligation, PCOS, cyst removal, D&C (dilation and curettage), colposcopy, oophorectomy, and many cosmetic gynaecological procedures. She is committed to giving each of her patients individualized, thorough care.
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