Bartholin glands are the glands located on each side of the vaginal entrance. These glands produce fluid that helps with vaginal lubrication. When the gland’s entryways get clogged, fluid backs up into the gland. As a result, a painless swelling known as a Bartholin’s cyst forms. As a result, a painless swelling known as a Bartholin’s cyst forms. If the cyst fluid becomes infected, one may develop an abscess (a collection of pus surrounded by inflammatory tissue).
A Bartholin’s cyst or abscess is a common gynaecological condition. Treatment depends on the size, degree of discomfort, and infection status of a Bartholin’s cyst. This blog is based on the insights shared by the renowned gynaecologist, Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, who is known for providing the best Bartholin Cyst Treatment in Mumbai. This will detail the symptoms of bartholin cysts and the effective treatments to treat them.
Symptoms of Bartholin Cysts
One might not notice a small, noninfected Bartholin’s cyst. If the cyst expands in size, one may notice a bump or mass around the vaginal opening. A cyst is normally painless, but it can be uncomfortable.
A Bartholin’s cyst infection can become severe in a couple of days. If the cyst becomes infected, one may suffer the following symptoms:
A painful, sensitive bump near the vaginal entrance
Walking or sitting discomfort
Intercourse discomfort
A Bartholin’s cyst or abscess usually affects only one side of the vaginal opening.
When Should One See a Doctor?
If a painful lump near the opening of the vagina does not get better after two or three days of self-care, such as soaking the area in warm water (sitz bath), consult the doctor. Make an appointment with the gynaecologist right away if the pain is severe.
If one notices a new lump at the vaginal opening and is over the age of 40, notify the doctor right away. Although uncommon, such a bump could indicate a more serious disease, such as cancer.
Treatments for Bartholin Cysts
A Bartholin’s cyst often does not require treatment, especially if it causes no indications or symptoms. The size of the cyst, the degree of discomfort, and whether or not it is infected — which could result in an abscess — determine when treatment is necessary.
The doctor may recommend the following treatments:
Surgical Drainage: A cyst that is infected or particularly large may necessitate surgery to drain it. A cyst can be drained with local anaesthesia or sedation.
Before placing a tiny rubber tube (catheter) into the cyst’s small incision, the doctor will drain the cyst. The catheter can be left in place for up to six weeks in order to keep the incision open and allow complete drainage.
Antibiotics: If the cyst is infected or testing confirms that one has a sexually transmitted disease, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. However, if the abscess is successfully drained, antibiotics may not be required.
Marsupialization: If cysts reoccur or cause discomfort, a marsupialization surgery may be beneficial. A drainage incision is stitched on both sides to create a permanent aperture less than 1/4-inch (approximately 6-millimetre) long. A catheter may be implanted to promote drainage for a few days following the treatment and to help prevent recurrence.
Bartholin Gland Removal: This is a treatment option that is only suggested when the cysts are persistent and do not respond to other treatments. This is also suggested in cases of recurring cysts. This surgery is generally done under general anesthesia and takes around an hour to be completed. This is a complex surgery that can often lead to bleeding or other complications. Thus, it should be done by a gynaecologist who has experience treating bartholin cysts.
If one wants to get expert help, one can consult Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, the leading Gynaecologist in Mumbai, at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic. The doctor performs a proper examination to provide a comprehensive treatment option. Visit now!
Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal is a highly experienced obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Andheri. She offers a range of gynecological services to women and teenagers. She has expertise in fertility management, V-rejuvenation, treatment for menstrual disorders, cervical cancer screening, Pap smear testing, C-section, hymen surgery, menopause, tubal ligation, PCOS, cyst removal, D&C (dilation and curettage), colposcopy, oophorectomy, and many cosmetic gynaecological procedures. She is committed to giving each of her patients individualized, thorough care.
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